Rita Pabst has been our official reporter of the visit to Hannover and called her first story “The small big adventure” (5th May) and “A street named Port Mahon in Aerzen” (7th May) to her second story.
Lindemann was born and grew up in this land and at 26 years old the young pastor set sail for Port Mahon with the troops of the Hannover Battalion.
This Protestant pastor, son of a well known pastor in the church of Aerzen, found time to tell the story not only of the journey in 1775 of those 1400 people, soldiers and their families, but also the day to day life in San Felipe (1781-1782) and to leave a detailed description of Menorca in a third book.
These three books came to light between 2002 and 2007 thanks to the efforts of Lothar Pabst and the investigating skills of Wilfred Zhier combined with the indepth knowledge about Menorca of Tomás Vidal Bendito, supported by the IME.
In memory of this event, we had present with us Wildred at 84 yeas old, the two children of Lothar – Joaquin and Rita – and Tomás Vidal’s widow, Rita Pons. The best possible witnesses, and even better that Maitas Rotters also joined us. In the end the German Consul, Klaus Briegel wasn’t able to accompany us due to a family bereavement, but he took the trouble to arrange our meetings. From his home in Switzerland, Alfredo Fenollosa, another of our volunteers joined us for a few days.
I would like to make special mention of the good relations created by our group, both visitors and hosts; the meal in the Town Hall of Hannover; the presentation in the city Museum; the delight at having discovered the silhouette of Lindemann and seeing his birth registration. During a tour of Aerzen in the afternoon, we were taken to visit the church where he was baptized.
We went on to visit Berlin, which never disappoints. Plenty of walks in parks and through the museums, the capital of the reunited Germany welcomed us with sunshine and good weather. For many of us there wasn’t enough time to see the many different museums, whilst others walked for kilometers around the many monuments. The Spanish Ambassador arranged for us to visit the Bundestag. In front of long queues of visitors, fifteen Menorcans were privileged to enter by the East gate for a magnificent guided tour of all the installations. We felt compelled to go up the glass copula by Norman Foster, designed to represent the transparency of the Institution, and bring it closer to the representatives and the people. Three million visitors a year confirm that he succeeded.
A positive balance. The present Protestant pastor of Aerzen honestly admitted that a few weeks earlier he had no idea who Lindemann was, nor of his work, so we have endeavored to explain to all why a central street in Mahón carries the name of Hannover.
We confirmed our promise – with IME – to reedit the now out of print three books by Lindemann and keep alive the cultural bridges we have started to build. One of the historical rooms on the Hospital of Isla del Rey will carry this name and we will gather all the information on their presence amongst us during more than six years from which they didn’t leave unharmed, 112 of them have remained forever with us.
Friends of the Isla del Hospital.
Breu ressenya del metge estomatòleg Enrique Mir Álvarez
febrero 2nd, 2019
Amb motiu de la donació del mobiliari i aparells odontològics del seu despatx a l’Associació d’Amics de L’Illa de l’Hospital.Enrique Mir Álvarez (Maó, 3 d’agost 1919-1996) fou el quart dels cinc germans, Pedro, Antonio, Guillermina i Pilar. Els seus pares foren el doctor Pedro Mir Llambías (1888-1937) i Mª. Dolores Álvarez Paz (1892-1921), traspassada quan el petit tot just tenia dos anys; fruit de les segones núpcies, va ser criat per la seva segona mare, Concepción Albertí Preto (1890-1978). Son pare havia ampliat estudis a París, exercint la medecina a Menorca com a metge cirurgià i ginecòleg. Va dirigir fins al seu òbit als quaranta nou anys l’Hospital Municipal de Maó, al cos de Gràcia. Conten que anava en carro a visitar els malalts, sense cobrar-los si no el podien pagar.Enrique Mir va cursar l’escola primària a Mateu Fontiroig i els estudis de batxillerat a l’institut de segon ensenyament, ubicat on hi havia hagut l’Escola de Nàutica (1855), a les dependències de l’antic convent franciscà (actual Museu de Menorca), al Pla des Monestir, de Maó, on va obtenir el batxiller l’any 1936.Enrique Mir no es lliurà del servei militar atès que formà part de les tres quintes de joves menorquins cridats a files en finalitzar la guerra i enviats a Saragossa, en un viatge en el vapor correu Coca que durà tres dies en unes condicions penoses, i mal mirats per procedir de zona republicana. En el servei obligatori es presentà com a manobre voluntari, cosa que va possibilitar que pogués gaudir de permisos. L’anunci oficial de concessió de pròrrogues per part del nou govern va coincidir amb l’estada de permís a Menorca, navegant al port de Maó amb el llaüt El Mayo, amb la seva promesa Margarita Orfila (es varen casar el 20 de març de 1954) però va aconseguir arribar a temps per tal de sol•licitar l’esmentada pròrroga que el va permetre començar els estudis universitaris. Recollint el testimoni de son pare, inicià la carrera mèdica el curs 1939-40 matriculant-se a la Facultat de Ciències de la Universitat de Barcelona (la ciutat fou incorporada al bàndol nacional el 26 de gener de 1939), i continuant a la Facultat de Medicina de la Universitat de Salamanca (1940-46), coincidint amb el seu company d’estudis i amic Tomàs Orfila, i amb Vicente Macián que estudiava al seminari, d’on el deixaven sortir gràcies a que els dos companys menorquins l’anaven a cercar. A València continuà els seus estudis durant el curs 1946-47, amb el corresponent carnet d’afiliat al Sindicato Español Universitario (SEU) -amb data d’admissió de 20 d’agost de 1939- figurant com a estudiant de medicina, que segons l’article 70 de la Ley de Ordenación de la Universidad Española era obligació i dret de l’escolar universitari considerar la seva labor com un servei obligatori a la Patria, que havia de complir amb exactitud i esforç per tal d’aconseguir la millor formació acadèmica i professional. Finalment, es traslladà a la Facultat de Medecina de Madrid cursant estudis en l’especialitat d’Odontologia i Pròtesis (Escuela de Estomatología), durant el curs 1947-48, llicenciant-se l’any 1950 tal com consta en l’orla de la seva promoció i en la fotografia de tot el grup en front de la façana de l’escola. El divendres, 12 de gener de 1951, el Menorca Diario Insular del Movimiento en l’apartat Ecos de Sociedad felicitava i desitjava tota sort de prosperitats, anunciant la benedicció i la inauguració, el dia anterior, de la nova Clínica Dental del Médico Odontólogo Enrique Mir Álvarez, al carrer de Prieto y Caules nº 15 a la casa paterna de Sa Raval, i l’any 1978 es traslladà al carrer Isabel II nº 13. Així mateix cursà la sol•licitud per a col•legiar-se en el Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos de Balears, i redactà la declaració jurada exigida per la Delegación Provincial de Sindicatos de F.E.T. y de las J.O.N.S. de Baleares, del departament Sindicato Provincial de Actividades Diversas. Grupo Protesis Dental, d’acord amb les Juntas Nacionales de Prótesis Dental y Gabinetes Odontológicos.Fou el primer a Menorca en introduir en la seva consulta una nova tecnologia en forma d’aparell semblant a una turbina d’aire comprimit que permetia la neteja i llimat de les dents d’una forma més efectiva, substituint l’antiga rodeta de pedals que havia adquirit en la seva època d’estudiant. Altrament, no s’ha de menystenir l’afició que Enrique Mir sentia per el joc de billar, la caça de la perdiu, i especialment la pesca, fins el punt que es va convertir en el president de la Confraria de Pescadors.El doctor Mateu Seguí Mercadal destacava en un article en el diari Menorca (30/03/1996) la necrològica del seu funeral oficiat per un emocionat pare Macián a l’església de Santa Maria, plena a vesar per tal de retre-li homenatge pòstum, testimoniant l’estimació i el reconeixement que el poble de Menorca tenia cap es doctor dentista Mir, donat el caràcter obert i extravertit, una especial bonhomia, un refinat sentit de l’ humor i la seva fama com a professional metge odontòleg. Sobresortia per la seva empatia i disponibilitat en el tracte cap els pacients, coneguda arreu, al igual que la seva generositat hipocràtica, heretada del pare.El seu fill Pedro Mir Orfila ha seguit el camí de son pare, al igual que els nets Kike Mir Pons, Xavi Mir Marí i Maties Pons Mir.Ara, la seva esposa Margarita Orfila ha fet donació del mobiliari i aparells odontològics del despatx de Enrique Mir Álvarez a l’Associació d’Amics de L’Illa de l’Hospital, a la sala dedicada a la odontologia en l’històric hospital britànic del segle XVIII construït sobre l’illot conegut com l’Illa del Rei, en el port de Maó, d’ençà el rei Alfons III el Liberal hi desembarcà l’any 1287.
Miquel A. Pons Carreras.
Professor de geografia e història.
This year the 6th January which is Magic Kings Day and also the Military Festival, occurred on a Sunday, so it was one of the very few days that we didn’t go to work on the Isla del Rey.
As an alternative, we had a meeting of volunteers to visit the Navy Base of Mahon thanks to the Commander, CF Guillermo Coll and with the help of Cabo Primero Oubiña as guide. It proved to be a very interesting visit and our British friends were particularly appreciative. It was a good move by the British to flatten Isla Pinto, called at that time, “suffren” for the sulphur colour of the rock, and they built the existing buildings which continue to form part of the Naval installations.
We began our visit in the Chapel, one of the first buildings to be erected and therefore an Anglican Chapel initially and later became Catholic. It has a long narrow form since along one side it was used also for storing masts from the ships. We were reminded that there was a British Arsenal here to maintain their ships and avoid the long journey up the Atlantic coast to return to an English port. Once moored alongside, the ship was demasted and then hauled over on one side to clean the hull, following which the operation repeated on the other side. That was the time of the hulls being lined with copper.
We passed from the Chapel to Isla Pinto. Our neurosurgeon, Fabian who writes nowadays for the Diario, is very concerned about the state of these buildings. We all hope that they can be saved.
From Isla Pinto we went to visit the tunnels, over 600 meters excavated in slate rock where the torpedoes were assembled and maintained, both for the submarines and for other torpedo bases. It was interesting to know that these tunnels were built from 1945 with North American help. It was a job well done since there no cracks in the concrete. Along the passageways are some resting points in the walls where joints allowed dilation and I imagine probably drainage as well. The fact is that in 1945, when Spain was known as isolated and autarchic, the North Americans sought our support and inverted in us in the middle of the Cold War against the communist USSR, increasing our submarine power and undeniably theirs as well. The machinery still in evidence remains impressive, despite their deteriorated condition.
It gave us food for thought, with the experience of our restoration work on Isla del Rey it’s tempting to want to help. We’re not ruling out the possibility of suggesting one Sunday morning to have a special workday there for maintenance work. It’s a question of oiling pistons, cleaning up old oil, mostly a 3 in1 job. It would be a way to show our appreciation for the visit and to send out the message that it mustn’t be abandoned. Create an Association of Volunteers for the Navy Base? Increase the number of civilian or military personnel? Professional courses? Unemployed?
If it has been achieved in Cartagena as we recently saw, why not in Mahon harbour?